Ruth Patrizzi
13 May

When I first met Lucie I must confess I was afraid, she was only 20 years old with a rare genetic disorder called "door syndrome" that caused her deafness at birth,  malformation of the fingernails and toenails, defective formation of her spine, legs , no formation of hips, also   of the fingers and toes, and intellectual disability. My fear was not because of her different look but because of the inability to communicate with her, her lovely big green eyes can only see partially, she could not hear my voice and perhaps I only caused her anxiety in our first encounter, Lucie does not eat so she is peg fed and cannot talk, only make noises and expressions. 

My dear young Lucie was always looking to hear something and after our first time together where I realized she welcomed me well because she did not pull her peg or shouted when left with me,  I always tried to help her feel things, by putting her close of the speaker if there was music playing so that she could feel the vibration, by tapping her body and just by instinct, by touch. 

She could not be more lucky or our meeting could have not been more destined, Me being a Movement Shiatsu therapist knew that touch was our only way of communicating and so started our history thanks to it.

When I first did Shiatsu on her, I would never forget her big beautiful green eyes opening with wonder, her face is so transparent and her energy was only showing joy, staring at me with a shining smile.

Lucie will be 27 years old this year,  I massage her fortnightly and  she waits for me and smile every time I arrive, she has changed and grown into her body feelings, she can express pain, even sometimes point out physical discomfort or her wish to be touched that is almost constant now, she hugs the people she cares very strongly and when you are with her she gives you her feet for you to touch. 

I cannot count the infinite benefits I got from meeting Lucie and overcoming my first fear, I met my actual husband while being with Lucie in the day center she attends, Lucie taught me to see real beauty and transparent humanity, she taught me to fall in love and discover  an authentic smile, Lucien taught me that touch is a very important form of communication and confirmed that my vocation is to be a Shiatsu Therapist.

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