Ruth Patrizzi
08 Feb

One of the basic principles of Shiatsu is to help you connect the body as a whole.

Babies learn to connect through whole-body movement. 

In Movement Shiatsu, we see the meridians as pathways where movement occurs. Babies learn to do this through movements like turning.

These movements develop along the lines of Chinese medicine meridians.

Movement Shiatsu is a physical therapy that combines Shiatsu with guided movement to help individuals change the way they use and feel their bodies by themselves.

It has an Eastern origin.

It involves contact through gentle stretches and different mobilizations to release tension and encourage engagements from parts that may not be present.

This allows us to help all parts of the body work together.

Movement Shiatsu is highly interactive and supports individuals who want to address long-term physical issues or emotional problems. 

Movement Shiatsu uses the "6 Forms of Touch" created by Bill Palmer. 

It empowers to resolve difficulties, enabling individuals to become aware of their bodies ad take charge of their wellbeing.

Movement Shiatsu is client-centred and is an interactive relational model (self and others), and is characterised by the following principles:

  • Be accessible to the client – i.e. communicate in language they understand and treat with appropriate qualities of touch / connection allowing time and space to explore
  • Work with what is relevant to the client now, rather than notions of ‘how they ought to be’
  • Start from a person’s ability rather than disability
  • Value each person’s uniqueness
  • Model and encourage two-way feedback, as to what feels appropriate and helpful for the client
  • Respect the client’s right to say ‘No’ or ‘Stop’
  • Avoid trying to fix the client, don’t set yourself up as an all-knowing expert, accept that you will be uncertain at times – the work is to serve the client’s needs
  • Enable and encourage the client’s sense of agency and autonomy this builds self-confidence and trust
  • Facilitate client awareness through explorations using movement and body work
  • Explore classical meridians as pathways through which we learn to inhabit our bodies  

See articles from Bill Palmer here:

and Ruth's BIO on website:

Video explaining Movement Shiatsu:

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